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Scientific Publications

Book Chapters


2. Sopinka NM, Donaldson MR,  O’Connor CM, Suski CD and Cooke SJ. 2016. Stress indicators in fish. Chapter 11 in: Biology of Stress in Fish Vol 35: Fish Physiology. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.


1. Cooke SJ and O’Connor CM. 2014. Mentors matter: strategies for selecting the right mentor. Chapter 3 in: Taylor W, Lynch A and Leonard N, Eds. Future of Fisheries: Perspectives for the Next Generation of Professionals. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. Link to PDF





1. Chetkiewicz C-LB, Carlson M,  O’Connor CM, Edwards BA, Southee FM, and Sullivan M. 2017. Assessing the potential cumulative impacts of land use and climate change on freshwater fish in northern Ontario. WCS Canada Report #11. Link to PDF



Journal Articles


64. Southee FM, Edwards BA, Chetkiewicz C-LB and O'Connor CM. In press. Freshwater conservation planning in the far north of Ontario, Canada: Identifying priority watersheds for the conservation of fish biodiversity in an intact boreal landscape. FACETS


63. Cooke SJ, Cech JJ, Glassman DM, Simard J, Louttit S, Lennox RJ, Cruz-Font L and O’Connor CM. 2020. Water resource development and sturgeon (Acipenseridae): state of the science and research gaps related to fish passage, entrainment, impingement and behavioural guidance. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30: 219-244. Link to PDF 


62. Lescord GL, Johnston TA, Heerschap MJ, Keller W, Southee FM, O'Connor CM, Dyer RD, Branfireun BA and Gunn JM. 2019. Arsenic, chromium, and other elements of concern in fish from remote boreal lakes and rivers: Drivers of variation and implications for subsistence consumption. Environmental Pollution 259: 113878. Link to PDF


61. Borowiec BG, O’Connor CM, Goodick K, Scott GR and Balshine S. 2018. The preference for social affiliation renders fish willing to accept lower O2 levels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 91: 716-724. Link to PDF


60. Elmer LK*, O’Connor CM, Philipp DP, Van Der Kraak G, Gilmour KM, Willmore WG, Barthel BL and Cooke SJ. 2017. Oxidative ecology of paternal care in wild smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 1905-1914. *Laura Elmer was a mentored MSc student. Link to PDF


59. Ward TD, Brownscombe JW, Gutowsky LFG, Ballagh R, Sakich N, McLean D, Quesnel G, Gambhir S, O’Connor CM and Cooke SJ. 2017. Electric fish handling gloves provide effective immobilization and do not impede reflex recovery of adult largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37: 652-659.59. Link to PDF


58. Reddon AR, O’Connor CM, Nesjan E, Cameron J, Hellmann JK, Ligocki IY, Marsh-Rollo SE, Hamilton IM, Wylie DR, Hurd PL and Balshine S. 2017. Isotocin neuronal phenotypes differ among social systems in cichlid fishes. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170350. Link to PDF


57. Dey CJ, O’Connor CM, Wilkinson H, Shultz S, Balshine S and Fitzpatrick JL. 2017. Direct benefits and evolutionary transitions to complex societies. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 0137. Link to PDF


56. Jindal S, Bose APH, O’Connor CM and Balshine S. 2017. A test of male infanticide as a reproductive tactic in a cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science 4: 160891. Link to PDF


55. Brownscombe JW, Parmar TP, Almeida J, Giesbrecht E, Batson J, Chen X, Wesch S, Ward TD, O’Connor CM and Cooke SJ. 2017. The efficacy of assisted ventilation techniques for facilitating the recovery of fish that are exhausted from simulated angling stress. Fisheries Research 186: 619-624. Link to PDF 


54. Bower SD, Kooner H, Ludwig H, Lumb S, Raina J, Webb J, Zrini Z, O’Connor CM and Cooke SJ. 2017. Diel patterns of hooking depth for active and passive angling methods for two freshwater teleost fish. Bulletin of Marine Science 93: 507-517. Link to PDF


53. Pullen CE, Hayes K, O'Connor CM, Arlinghaus R, Suski CD, Midwood JD and Cooke SJ. 2016. Consequences of oral lure retention on the physiology and behaviour of adult northern pike (Esox lucius). Fisheries Research 186: 601-611. Link to PDF


52. Hellmann JK, Sovic MG, Gibbs HL, Reddon AR, O'Connor CM, Ligocki IY, Marsh-Rollo SE, Balshine S and Hamilton IM. 2016. Within-group relatedness is correlated with colony-level social structure and reproductive sharing in a social fish. Molecular Ecology 25: 4001-4013. Link to PDF


51. Reddon AR, O'Connor CM, Ligocki IY, Hellmann JK, Marsh-Rollo SE, Hamilton IM and Balshine S. 2016. No evidence for larger brains in cooperatively breeding cichlid fishes. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 373-378. Link to PDF


50. Hellmann JK, Ligocki IY, O'Connor CM, Reddon AR, Farmer TM, Marsh-Rollo SE, Balshine S and Hamilton IM. 2016. The influence of status and the social environment on energy stores in a social fish. Journal of Fish Biology 88: 1321-1334. Link to PDF 


49. O'Connor CM, Marsh-Rollo SE, Aubin-Horth N and Balshine S. 2016. Species-specific patterns of nonapeptide brain gene expression relative to pair-bonding behaviour in grouping and non-grouping cichlids. Hormones and Behavior 80: 30-38. Link to PDF


48. O'Connor CM, Reddon AR, Odetunde A*, Jindal S* and Balshine S. 2015. Social cichlid fish change behaviour in response to a visual predator stimulus, but not the odour of damaged conspecifics. Behavioural Processes 121: 21-29. *Aderinsola Odetunde was a mentored BSc thesis student. Shagun Jindal was a mentored BSc project student. Link to PDF 


47. Ligocki IY, Reddon AR, Hellmann JK, O'Connor CM, Marsh-Rollo SE, Balshine S and Hamilton IM. 2015. Social status influences responses to unfamiliar conspecifics in a cooperatively breeding fish. Behaviour 152: 12-13. Link to PDF


46. O'Connor CM, Marsh-Rollo SE, Cortez Ghio S, Balshine S and Aubin-Horth N. 2015. Is there convergence in the molecular pathways underlying the repeated evolution of sociality in African cichlids? Hormones and Behavior 75: 160-168. Link to PDF


45. O'Connor CM, Reddon AR, Ligocki IY, Hellmann JK, Garvy KA, Marsh-Rollo SE, Hamilton IM and Balshine S. 2015. Motivation but not body size influences territorial contest dynamics in a wild cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour 107: 19-29. Link to PDF


44. Hellmann JK, Ligocki IY, O'Connor CM, Reddon AR, Garvy KA, Marsh-Rollo SE, Gibbs HL, Balshine S and Hamilton IM. 2015. Reproductive sharing in relation to group and colony-level attributes in a cooperative breeding fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20150954. Link to PDF


43. Binder TR, O'Connor CM, McConnachie SH, Wilson SM, Nannini MA, Wahl DH and Cooke SJ. 2015. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 187: 97-102. Link to PDF


42. Hellmann JK, Reddon AR, Ligocki IY, O'Connor CM, Garvy KA, Marsh-Rollo SE, Hamilton IM and Balshine S. 2015. Group response to social perturbation: impacts of isotocin and the social landscape. Animal Behaviour 105: 55-62. Link to PDF


41. Cull F*, O'Connor CM, Suski CD, Shultz AD, Danylchuk AJ and Cooke SJ. 2015. Puff and bite: The relationship between the glucocorticoid stress response and anti-predator performance in checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 214: 1-8. *Felicia Cull was a mentored MSc student. Link to PDF


40. Hellmann JK, O'Connor CM, Ligocki IY, Farmer T, Tyler A, Reddon AR, Garvy KA, Marsh-Rollo SE, Balshine S and Hamilton IM. 2015. Evidence for alternative male morphs in a Tanganyikan cichlid fish. Journal of Zoology 296: 116-123. Link to PDF


39. O'Connor CM and Cooke SJ. 2015. Ecological carryover effects complicate conservation. Ambio DOI: 10.1007/s13280-015-0630-3. Link to PDF


38. Reddon AR, O'Connor CM, Marsh-Rollo SE, Balshine S, Gozdowska M and Kulczykowska E. 2015. Brain nonapeptide levels are related to social status and affiliative behaviour in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. Royal Society Open Science 2: 140072. Link to PDF


37. Dey CJ, Tan JQY*, O'Connor CM, Reddon AR, Caldwell RJ and Balshine S. 2015. Dominance network structure across reproductive contexts in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcherCurrent Zoology 61: 45-54. *Joanne Tan was a mentored BSc thesis student. Link to PDF


36. Cull F*, Suski CD, Shultz A, Danylchuk AJ, O’Connor CM, Murchie KJ and Cooke SJ. 2015. Consequences of experimental cortisol manipulations on the thermal biology of the checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus) in laboratory and field environments. Journal of Thermal Biology 47: 63-74. *Felicia Cull was a mentored MSc student. Link to PDF


35. Garvy KA*, Hellmann JK, Ligocki IY, Reddon AR, Marsh-Rollo SE, Hamilton IM, Balshine S and O'Connor CM. 2014. Sex and social status affect territorial defence in a cooperatively breeding cichlid, Neolamprologus savoryiHydrobiologia 748: 75-85. *Kelly Garvy was a mentored student. Link to PDF


34. Reddon AR, Voisin MR, O'Connor CM and Balshine S. 2014. Isotocin and sociality in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish. Behaviour 15: 1389–1411. Link to PDF


33. O'Connor CM, Reddon AR, Marsh-Rollo SM, Hellmann JK, Ligocki IY, Hamilton IM and Balshine S. 2014. A comparative study of an innate immune response in Lamprologine cichlid fishes. Naturwissenschaften 101: 839–849. Link to PDF


32. Coristine LE, Robillard CM, Kerr JT, O’Connor CM, Lapointe  D and Cooke SJ. 2014. A conceptual framework for the emerging discipline of conservation physiology. Conservation Physiology 2: cou033. Link to PDF


31. O'Connor CM, Norris DR, Crossin GT and Cooke SJ. 2014. Biological carryover effects: linking common concepts in ecology and evolution. Ecosphere 5: Article 28. Link to PDF


30. Dey CJ, O'Connor CM and Quinn JS. 2014. Hatching order affects offspring growth, survival, and adult dominance in the joint-laying pukeko. Ibis 156: 658-667. Link to PDF


29. Cooke SJ, Blumstein DT, Buchholz R, Caro T, Fernández-Juricic E, Franklin CE, Metcalfe J, O’Connor CM, Cassady St. Clair C, Sutherland WJ and Wikelski M. 2014.  Physiology, behaviour and conservation. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87: 1-14. Link to PDF


28. Hick K*, Reddon AR*, O’Connor CM* and Balshine S. 2014. Strategic and tactical fighting decisions in cichlid fishes with divergent social systems. Behaviour 151: 47-71. *Kristina Hick was a mentored BSc thesis student. Authors made equal contributions to the manuscript. Link to PDF


27. Dey CJ, O’Connor CM, Balshine S and Quinn JS. 2014. Cooperative males reduce incubation in response to cues of female-female competition. Ibis 156: 446-451. Link to PDF


26. Rickett J, Dey CJ, Stothart J, O'Connor CM, Quinn JS and Weihong J. 2013. The influence of supplemental feeding on survival, dispersal and competition in translocated pateke (brown teal duck; Anas chlorotis). Emu 113: 62-68. Link to PDF


25. Bulté G, Germain R, O'Connor CM and Blouin-Demers G. 2013. Sexual dichromatism in the Northern map turtle. Chelion Conservation and Biology 12: 187-192. Link to PDF


24. O'Connor CM, Rodela TM, Mileva VR, Balshine S and Gilmour KM. 2013. Corticosteroid receptor gene expression is related to sex and social behaviour in a social fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 164: 438-446. Link to PDF


23. Dey CJ*, Reddon AR*, O'Connor CM* and Balshine S. 2013. Network structure is related to social conflict in a cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour 85: 395-402. *Authors made equal contributions to the manuscript. Link to PDF


22. Donaldson MR, Raby GD, Nguyen VN, Hinch SG, Patterson DA, Farrell AP, Rudd M, Thompson LA, O’Connor CM, Colotelo AH, McConnachie SH, Cook KV, Robichaud D, English KK and Cooke SJ. 2013. Evaluation of a simple technique for recovering Pacific salmon from capture stress: integrating comparative physiology, biotelemetry, and social science to solve a conservation problem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 90-100. Link to PDF


21. O'Connor CM, Nannini M, Wahl DH, Wilson SM, Gilmour KM and Cooke SJ. 2013. Sex-specific consequences of experimental cortisol elevation in pre-reproductive wild largemouth bass. Journal of Experimental Zoology 319: 23-31. Link to PDF


20. Cooke SJ, Donaldson MR, O’Connor CM, Raby GD, Arlinghaus R, Danylchuk AJ, Hanson KC, Hinch SG, Clark TD, Patterson DA and Suski CD. 2012. The physiological consequences of catch-and-release angling: perspectives on experimental design, interpretation, extrapolation, and relevance to stakeholders. Fisheries Management and Ecology 20: 268-287. Link to PDF


19. Reddon AR, O'Connor CM, Marsh-Rollo SE and Balshine S. 2012. Effects of isotocin on social responses in a cooperatively breeding fish. Animal Behaviour 84: 753-760. Link to PDF


18. O'Connor CM, Reardon EE and Chapman LJ. 2012. Shorter gills in mouth-brooding females of the cichlid Psuedocrenilabrus multicolorCopeia 3: 382-388. Link to PDF


17. McConnachie SH*, O'Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Iwama GK and Cooke SJ. 2012.  Supraphysiological cortisol elevation alters the response of wild bluegill to subsequent stressors. Journal of Experiment Zoology A 317: 321-332. *Sarah McConnachie was a mentored MSc student. Link to PDF


16. O'Connor CM, Barthel BL, Gilmour KM, Philipp DP, Van Der Kraak G and Cooke SJ.  2012. Reproductive history and nest environment are correlated with circulating androgens and glucocorticoid concentrations in a parental care-providing teleost fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 209-218. Link to PDF


15. Cook KV*, O'Connor CM, McConnachie SH, Gilmour KM and Cooke SJ. 2012. Condition dependent intra-individual repeatability of stress-induced cortisol in a freshwater fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 161: 337-343. *Katrina Cook was a mentored MSc student. Link to PDF


14. Cook KV*, O'Connor CM, Gilmour KM and Cooke SJ. 2011. The glucocorticoid stress response is repeatable between years in a wild teleost fish. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197: 1189-1196. *Katrina Cook was a mentored MSc student. Link to PDF


13. Donaldson MR, O’Connor CM, Thompson LA, Gingerich AJ, Danylchuk SE, Duplain RR and Cooke SJ. 2011. Contrasting global game and non-game fish species. Fisheries 36: 385-397. Link to PDF


12. O’Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Van Der Kraak G and Cooke SJ. 2011. Circulating androgens are influenced by parental nest defense in a wild teleost fish. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197: 711-715. Link to PDF


11. O’Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Arlinghaus R, Matsumura S, Suski CD, Philipp DP and Cooke SJ. 2011. The consequences of short-term cortisol elevation on individual physiology and growth rate in wild largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 693-705. Link to PDF


10. O’Connor CM, Yick CY*, Gilmour KM, Van Der Kraak G and Cooke SJ. 2011. The glucocorticoid stress response is attenuated but unrelated to reproductive investment during parental care in a teleost fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology 170: 215-221. *Claire Yick was a mentored BSc thesis student. Link to PDF


9. Dey CJ and O'Connor CM. 2010. Evidence for a lack of egg recognition in pukeko. Notornis 57: 209-211. Link to PDF


8. O’Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Arlinghaus R, Philipp DP, Hasler CT and Cooke SJ. 2010. Seasonal carryover effects following the administration of cortisol to a wild teleost fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83: 950-957. Link to PDF


7. Dey CJ*, O’Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Van Der Kraak G and Cooke SJ. 2010. Behavioral and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulation during parental care. Hormones and Behavior 58: 599-605. *Cody Dey was a mentored BSc thesis student. Link to PDF


6. Cooke SJ and O’Connor CM. 2010. Making conservation physiology relevant to policy managers and conservation practitioners. Conservation Letters 3:159-166. Link to PDF


5. O’Connor CM, Gilmour KM, Arlinghaus R, Van Der Kraak G and Cooke SJ. 2009.  Stress and parental care in a wild teleost fish: Insights from exogenous supraphysiological cortisol implants. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82: 709-719. Link to PDF


4. Fobert E*, Meining P, Colotelo A, O’Connor CM and Cooke SJ. 2009. Cut the line or remove the hook?  An evaluation of sublethal and lethal endpoints for deeply hooked bluegill. Fisheries Research 99: 38-46. *Emily Fobert was a mentored BSc thesis student. Link to PDF


3. Hanson KC, O’Connor CM, Van Der Kraak G and Cooke SJ. 2009. Paternal aggression towards a brood predator during parental care in wild smallmouth bass is not correlated with circulating testosterone or cortisol concentrations. Hormones and Behavior 55: 495-499. Link to PDF


2. Caputo M*, O’Connor CM, Hasler CT, Hanson KC and Cooke SJ. 2009. Long-term effects of surgically implanted telemetry tags on the nutritional physiology and condition of wild freshwater fish. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 84: 35-41. *Michelle Caputo was a mentored BSc thesis student. Link to PDF


1. Suski CD, Cooke SJ, Danylchuk AJ, O’Connor CM, Gravel M, Redpath T, Gingerich AJ, Murchie KJ, Danylchuk SE, Koppelman JB and Goldberg TL. 2007. Physiological disturbance and recovery dynamics of bonefish, a tropical marine fish, in response to variable exercise and exposure to air. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 148: 664-667. Link to PDF









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